Hotel CSR Award

The Intermundial Foundation, together with Tourism&Law and the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodations (CEHAT), announces the sixth edition of the Hotel CSR Award with the aim of distinguishing hotels that carry out outstanding actions aimed at improving their social, economic and environmental surroundings.

About the award

The Intermundial Foundation, in collaboration with FITUR and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), announces a new edition of the Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Award. This award recognizes the involvement of tourism companies that work for the development and activation of tourism that is responsible with the environment, the economy and local society.

The VII Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Award consists of five categories:


This category covers a wide range of services, from accommodations to restaurants and other related services. Commitment to sustainable practices, such as the efficient use of resources, waste reduction and the promotion of local culture in the tourism offer are valued.

Transportation, tourism products and services

It includes not only means of transportation, such as airplanes, trains or vehicles, but also services that facilitate tourism experiences, such as travel agencies, tour operators, leisure activities, health and wellness programs. It seeks to recognize those that promote accessibility, eco-efficiency and innovation in their tourism services.


This category focuses on countries participating in FITUR. It seeks to recognize destinations that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to sustainability, preservation of the natural and cultural environment, as well as the promotion of responsible tourism practices for visitors and local communities.

Social Media

The impact of bloggers, influencers and social media that have actively promoted responsible tourism actions and practices is considered here. The dissemination of messages that raise awareness about the importance of ethical and sustainable travel is valued.

Media and communications

This category recognizes journalists and media that, through their informative work, have contributed significantly to promote and deepen the analysis of responsible tourism. Research, reports and coverage that generate reflection and awareness of sustainability in the field of tourism are valued.

Who can participate

All companies registered as exhibitors at FITUR 2024 are eligible to participate. None of the organizing companies, nor any of the companies directly related to them, may participate in this award.

Deadline for submission

The deadline for submitting nominations will be from December 5 until January 8, 2024 at 24:00 hours (GMT+1), both dates inclusive.

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